This page provides a list of translated BIM ThinkSpace episodes and other translated material referenced in these episodes. All translations are contributed by highly-experienced practitioners and specialist researchers. Many of these contributions have been peer-reviewed prior to publication. I am indebted to all contributors and reviewers them for their generosity and excellent efforts.
Translated Episodes
The below table provides links to all translated episodes, hosted by international knowledge affiliates.
For a larger view, please open the embedded Google Sheet by clicking here (opens in a new window).
Other Material
The BIM Maturity Matrix is available in a number of languages as part of the BIMe Initiative.
A number of videos on the BIM Framework YouTube Channel now include Closed Captions in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and French.
The BIM Dictionary will increasingly include translated terms and definitions. To receive updates about new languages, please follow @bimexcellence on twitter.