I try not to to blog industry news but sometimes it feels 'irresponsible' not to do so. However, I'll follow the three BIM Nodes logic in my reporting:
On the Technology front: the emergent Microsoft Live Mesh technology deserves some attention... Would an enterprise version enable a different approach to BIM Integration (Stage 3) alongside Model Servers and what I term BIMaaS (BIM as a Service - read this and that)? It's too early to tell but its a space worth monitoring with wide-open BIM eyes.
On the Process side, I've been invited to have a look at the Build London Live effort. I'm personally not into grand gestures but I do think such efforts play a valuable role in promoting BIM Thinking within a decreasingly skeptical industry. In fact, I would love to include a couple of clients in a BIMStorm™ if it hits the Asia-Pacific!
On the BIM Policy front, an excellent effort by the AIA and I couldn't but reproduce the news:
"On May 15th 2008 the AIA released two new model agreements for integrated project delivery. The documents follow concepts in Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide, and provide two levels of design and construction integration. One is a transitional agreement for those less familiar with IPD; the second, a “single purpose entity”, offers a fully integrated way to deliver a project. Get more information about the IPD documents at http://aiacontractdocuments.org/ipd/."
In summary, the above three bits vary in importance but are all equally welcome BIM News. To achieve integrated project delivery, integrated design solutions or whatever you want to call the BIM climax, a great number of technology, process and policy steps are needed...Which reminds me, I need to upload Episode 9: understanding BIM Steps sometime soon...