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October 19, 2007

Affiliated Websites

  • BIMe Initiative
    The BIMe Initiative is not-for-profit effort based on the BIM Excellence approach. The BIMe Initiative aims to improve the performance of individuals, organisations and project teams in the construction industry through (a) developing a modular language for information exchange; (b) Generating reliable industry-wide competency benchmarks; (c) promoting competency-based learning; and (e) developing intuitive tools and templates for all to freely use.
  • BIM Dictionary
    The BIM Dictionary, an online resource for all to freely use. The dictionary hosts terms specific to digital transformation in the construction industry. It hosts hundreds of terms with their descriptions, synonyms and abbreviations.
  • BIM ThinkSpace
    BIM ThinkSpace is one of the longest running blogs (first post was in Oct 2005) covering Building Information Modelling from an 'informed practitioners' perspective. It posts infrequently yet shares thought-provoking topics and valuable contributions from international guest authors.
  • BIM Framework
    A blog for researchers interested in adapting the BIM Framework (Succar, 2009). Each post focuses on one conceptual part and is linked to peer-reviewed papers.
  • BIM Excellence
    BIM Excellence (BIMe) is a research-based method to improve the BIM competency of individuals, organizations and project teams. BIMe uses specialised online tools to compare current abilities against project/client requirements and industry benchmarks.
  • ChangeAgents AEC
    ChangeAgents AEC is a BIM performance assessment and improvement consultancy operating since 2004 out of Melbourne, Australia.


  • Objectif BIM (French)
    BIM ThinkSpace Episodes are progressively being translated into French through the good efforts of Mr Patrick Riedo of Objectif BIM
  • BIMetric Lab (Spanish)
    A number of BIM ThinkSpace episodes are translated into Spanish through the good efforts of Mr Victor Roig of BIMETRIC (Barcelona, Spain)
  • Institute for BIM Italy (iBIMi)
    BIM ThinkSpace episodes are progressively being translated into Italian through the good efforts of Mr Lorenzo Nissim and Ms Miriam Nissim of the Institute for BIM Italy (iBIMi)